
The Orion Nebula Cluster Database is a cross-matched and curated collection of
astrometry, photometry, spectra, and image data for 11633 sources in the ONC.

The catalogs currently included are:

Use the forms below to browse though tables, query the database, or see the full inventory of a particular source.
Then plot the results, click through interactive sky maps, or generate spectral energy distributions and caluclate fundamental parameters.

Browse the Database

Take a look at 100 random records in the selected table.

  1. Search the sources table for objects within arcminutes of a J2000 (RA, Dec) coordinate in decimal degrees (e.g. '83.64, -5.33')
  2. Search any table for alphanumeric matches

Search for in table.

Check Inventory

Search the database for information on a particular source ID:

SQL Query

Write your own SQL query in the box below! Check the database schema for column and table names.

Not familiar with SQL queries? Here are some examples: